I am an experienced public speaker, and run an annual half-day workshop on the theme of Researching Welsh Ancestors at the Society of Genealogists. See
I am also available to give the following talks virtually or live (subject to location):
- Researching Welsh Ancestry - half day course and one hour talk
- Non-Conformity in Wales
- The London Welsh
- Comings and Goings - The Welsh Migration Story
- Jack Tars and Red Dusters - an introduction to Researching Merchant Navy Ancestors
- NEW for late 2025 - Four Long Years: a WWII POW's experience
- So You Want to Become a Professional Genealogist?
- One-Street or One-Place Study (based on a West London case study)
- A Slippery Story - the History of London's Eel Pie Mash shop trade
Course and talk feedback:
Jack Tars under a Red Duster (Merchant Navy)
"Best talk I've listened to on Merchant Seamen"
The London Welsh
"May I, through you, thank all involved for the presentation last evening which I found fascinating"
The talk was of particular relevance to me as I have found significant migration to London in my family with several of my maternal ancestors moving to work in the dairy business. "
Tracing Welsh Ancestors
"So good I was tempted to do it again. The course on non-conformity was brilliant too."
Most helpful part of the course:
"Information re Non-Conformity and how to deal with that as it is very relevent to my research".
"Handout - vast amount of information about where to start".
"Great attention was paid to the various administrative divisions, not only unitary authorities, but diocesan and legal as well. several examples were given of records turning up in unexpected places, so that searching for them needs to be thorough. Who would expect manorial records for parts of Wales to turn up at the University of Nottingham or Longleat House?"
Intermediate Welsh Ancestry
"Thank you Gill that was a very interesting talk which gave me a number of new ideas to research"